Britain in Korea

Even though Korea has its own very strong ecomony (from electronic giants like Samsung to evil corporation Lotte which has a finger in every business pie), western influences seem to creep in everywhere. Just like the rest of world, though, these ‘western’ companies and products are nearly exclusively American – but a few curious English-isms have crept in too.

1. Tesco

Technically the supermarkets are called Home Plus here but they are more than just owned by the Tesco group. You can find all sorts of goodies in the original English packaging (with no attempt to even add Korean letters), from Tesco Finest ice-cream to Tesco value baked beans. A taste of home… Unfortunately they haven’t imported decent cheese yet though.

2. Aviva

Yup, insurance adverts featuring a giant pound coin and Korean voiceover.

3. Guinness

Not to be found in a decent pint, but nonetheless easy to buy in a bottle from the corner shop. (‘International’ beer selection only includes Budweiser, Heineken, MGD, Corona and Asahi so this is quite a honour for ole Guinness.)

4. Burberry

No longer just beloved by chavs, Burberry is one of the most shopped brands in Korea. You might not see the infamous caps, but bags and shirts with a discreet checked collar are everywhere. Even some school uniform shirts seem to have the design.

5. Topshop

It doesn’t quite exist yet but there have been adverts on buses and other hints – looking forward to this one!

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